Your vaccination for more information: results solution

We are the provider of digital vaccine validation solutions to America’s employers and organizations.  Our vaccination passport products are stand alone or supplement HRS systems.  We are posed to be the official plug-in to connect employee/recruit vaccination data with employers.  We do this by managing the vaccination results consent process for jobseeker and employees, data collection, platform integrations and then produce reporting.


VacsPass is Compliant. Secure. Easy. Scalable. Mobile. 


Why VacsPass

The EEOC has published articles concerning the legalities associated with employers handling COVID-19 vaccination information, but the EEOC doesn’t provide HOW an employer can obtain the respective vaccination data of consenting employees and candidates. 

And without this vaccination data, employers face hurdles in planning and executing their business continuity strategy.

  • VacsPass is the solution to this problem.
  • VacsPass will make it easy to access and manage COVID-19 vaccination results of employees and future hires.

VacsPass is HOW your business will collect consent, obtain and validate COVID-19 vaccination data and serve it up in a digestible and actionable format.


VacsPass as a SaaS data tracker and data provider enables employers to digitally access vaccination results of job seekers and employees.  After gaining consent, we store COVID-19 vaccination data in a centralized location with full encryption in order to provide organizations with the data that is needed to maintain a successful Disaster & Recovery Plan and Business Continuity Plan.

In addition to providing a digital vaccination passport for consumers, the VacsPass product line includes tools that give employers access to a new data source – vaccination data. 

We enable employers to be proactive about workplace safety and operational decisions that hit all departments.  Now HR, Operations, Marketing, Sales can fuel their own Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning efforts.

Our aim is that your organization will be ready in the event that proving vaccination results becomes mandatory OR that you need insight into specific areas of your organization.


How is VacsPass different from other vaccination data trackers and service providers?

VP – focus on employers
VP – focus on managing vaccination data so the organization does not need to hold the data
VP – understand operations and recruitment from both the employer and candidate side
VP – focus on data augmentation and have analytical tools to help make data driven decisions
VP – experts in data security
VP – products integrate with platforms with the quickest time-to-market

We respect that you are the experts in knowing what you will want to do with the data set in terms of making business decisions including data layering within your own systems. With the inclusion of a single API your org will be more flexible and more proactive versus responsive to the ongoing economic, health, safety and legal challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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